Success Stories

aliphbay-blog-These anti-virus masks reproduce your face to be able to unlock your smartphone
Success Stories

These anti-virus masks reproduce your face to be able to unlock your smartphone

With recent epidemics and seasonal illnesses lying around, protecting yourself with a respiratory mask is no longer abnormal and for a long time in some countries, especially in Asia, it is the norm. A preventi...

Success Stories

This packaging allows you to dose spaghetti

Ah, pasta: a must-have that appeals to everyone. Simple to prepare, it’s a quick dish to cook. You just have to choose your favorite variety … and above all, knowing how to plan the portions to cook...

aliphbay-blog-This application calculates the environmental and human impact of the clothes you wear2
Success Stories

This application calculates the environmental and human impact of the clothes you wear

You are probably already familiar with the Yuka application, which allows you to assess the quality of the products you consume. Well, imagine that there is now an equivalent for clothing (no connection with Yu...

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Success Stories

Guess the brands behind these color combinations

You don’t think about it often enough, but it’s true that colors are an integral part of a brand. A well-chosen colorful range is above all to highlight your brand, by distinguishing it from the oth...