Success Stories

These anti-virus masks reproduce your face to be able to unlock your smartphone

With recent epidemics and seasonal illnesses lying around, protecting yourself with a respiratory mask is no longer abnormal and for a long time in some countries, especially in Asia, it is the norm. A preventive gesture, which is becoming systematic in large cities, even causing shortages of masks in pharmacies. Only, among the problems accompanying these accessories, there is facial recognition. And yes, when your smartphone is unlocked using your face, it becomes difficult when you wear a mask. So, in order to counter this problem, this designer had an idea.

Crédits : Danielle Baskin / N95

Danielle Baskin lives in San Francisco. This creative, accustomed to designing products with a “dystopian tendency”, has just launched the N95 range: customizable respiratory masks, which therefore adapt very well to facial recognition of the new technologies that we use on a daily basis. How it works ? The mark prints the bottom of your face on the mask and voila.

Danielle Baskin lives in San Francisco. This creative, accustomed to designing products with a “dystopian tendency”, has just launched the N95 range: customizable respiratory masks, which therefore adapt very well to facial recognition of the new technologies that we use on a daily basis. How it works ? The mark prints the bottom of your face on the mask and voila.