Success Stories

This packaging allows you to dose spaghetti

Ah, pasta: a must-have that appeals to everyone. Simple to prepare, it’s a quick dish to cook. You just have to choose your favorite variety … and above all, knowing how to plan the portions to cook, which is not always easy. Among the most difficult to dose pasta, spaghetti often gives us a hard time, right? Cooking the perfect portion according to the number of people, what a hassle! Too much or not enough, how do you know? Well, imagine that a product designer may have found the solution…

Crédits : Alesia Lurtcevich

Surely inspired by her daily life, Alesia Lurtcevich has designed a specific packaging, which allows the portions of spaghetti to be dosed directly. A kind of measuring tool perfectly integrated into the box. The design is simple, innovative, but a bit complicated to understand. The ordinary rectangular box has been improved to include six sections (shaped like triangles). One section equals one serving of pasta.

Crédits : Alesia Lurtcevich

For the opening, nothing easier: thanks to a pre-cutting system, it is enough to pull on the tabs to open the chosen portion and voila. What avoid food waste, or on the contrary, the cravings “surprises”. A smart innovation, which perhaps, will inspire the big brands.

In any case, let’s admit all the same that the idea is well found. Finally, in terms of pasta, we also offer you this restaurant which has banned plastic straws to offer… pasta straws. And on the smart packaging side, we are talking about this creative and sustainable rice packaging that pays tribute to small producers.