Success Stories

This application calculates the environmental and human impact of the clothes you wear

You are probably already familiar with the Yuka application, which allows you to assess the quality of the products you consume. Well, imagine that there is now an equivalent for clothing (no connection with Yuka, we specify)! And yes, in the era of awareness regarding the textile pollution that accompanies the manufacture of clothes, this application has something to appeal to. Controlling our wardrobe is the great idea for more eco-responsible fashion.

Crédits : Clear Fashion

Clear Fashion is the application specially designed for sorting and choosing clothes, based on criteria such as respect for people and the environment. A bias that intends to raise public awareness of the social and environmental impact of the textile industry, which we recall, is the second most polluting on Earth. At the origin of the project: Marguerite Dorangeon and Rym Trabelsi, two engineers in sustainable development. This explains that. Together, they launched the application on the market last year and success seems to be coming up!

The creative duo explains: “When we realized that the clothes we were buying could have had a negative impact on society, we were overwhelmed. We love fashion, but we want fashion that respects people and the environment.”

This is a concept in line with new consumer trends, in line with a more responsible lifestyle. On the site, Clear Fashion demystifies the biggest iconic brands, to show us behind the scenes of production. On the application, four concepts are put forward: Human, Health, Environment, Animals. Likewise, we have the right to a “general” overview of the brand and its ethics.

Finally, we love this innovation, which is very useful on a daily basis. What make us aware of our unconsciousness, sometimes, concerning compulsive and exaggerated purchases. The little extra? Clear Fashion’s communication strategy is unusual, with funny memes on the subject on Instagram. Perfect for the target, without being awkward or cheesy. So, for more info, go to the official website. The app is obviously available on the Apple Store and Android.